I added a picture of Curtis Menard's parents, Linda and Curtis Sr., at the top.
I put this photo comparison post up during the discussion that happened around the Abortiongate revelations at Palingates based on some links from one of the commenters. Over the last year and a half, frequently commenters on blogs have mentioned that Piper Palin looks more like her brother Track then her sisters.
The abortingate post was originally focused on the passage in Going Rogue where Palin talks about her second pregnancy which ended in a D&C (see the post for details - it, of course, is complicated). One of many things people thought was odd was the mention of Curtis Menard Jr. at the beginning of the passage. This resulted in few people, including myself, doing searches and the surfacing of photographs that were compared to Track Palin, such as the my earlier post. People then began to wonder about the earlier noted resemblance of Piper and Track Palin.
Looking at the pictures, Piper is at the age where it is hard for me to clearly see who she resembles. I do, however, think that the Menard children, who unlike the Palin siblings look very much alike, bare a strong resemblance to their mother. If someone can find a photo which is more definitive, I will post it. When I looked, I didn't see one.
A few points that people kept asking about at Palingates. Curtis Menard Jr. died in a plane crash, while flying alone, six months after Piper was born. According to his wife Carole, he met with Sarah Palin just before his death to talk to her about her children. Curtis Menard Jr. was Track's godfather.
According to what I have read, Curtis Menard Jr. was a devoted father and husband. They seem to me to be a loving family.
Remember as well that Curtis Menard Jr. met his wife Carole in 1990 and married her in 1992. According to a court document that someone found, Track was born April 20, 1989 - prior to that only the year could be determined. According to the letter written by Cathy Baldwin-Johnson - Palin's doctor, which was quietly released on the eve of the presidential election in 2008, Track was a term delivery. If it had been pre-term, that fact would probably be made public because Sarah and Todd eloped less then eight months before. (End of August - exact date alludes me right now.) So none of the people we are talking about were married at the time of Track's conception.
What we know is that Piper looks like Track and we are quite certain that Sarah Palin gave birth to both of them. (If it was anyone else, that would be stated definitively. She did look typically and convincingly pregnant with both of them.)
Another point: in a follow up post, Patrick put up some other odd passages from Going Rogue where Palin is talking about her second pregnancy which did not come to term. All anyone knows about this, so far, comes from Palin's book. She says the babies were going to be a year apart and were right on schedule, which would mean the conception of the second pregnancy fell again during the fishing season. During that period, Todd is working at BP - this is either the North Slope or a fishing boat. Sarah Palin, along with baby Track, her parents and one other person go to fish Todd's leased site on Bristol Bay. They leave ten weeks after Track's birth which would be the very end of June. So during the period that the second baby was conceived, according to Palin, Sarah Palin was in Bristol Bay and Todd was either at the North Slope or on a boat but, and this is important, getting some time to join Sarah in Bristol Bay and help with the season's catch. Unless you piece that together you can be left with the impression, by not reading her book closely, that at a crucial period she was in Wasilla with Todd away a lot. This does not appear to be the case.